Let’s Have Some Fun

The Strategy

Organic good food is delicious and nutritious, right? So why is Organic stuck at ~5% market share and only ~1% of acreage in the United States? Well it’s obviously not a failing of the product so it must be a failing of the narrative. 

The Organic industry has struggled to speak outside of the Organic bubble—spending way too much time focusing on what’s not in Organic when the mainstream consumers care a lot more about how tasty, fun, and easy products are and how cool the brands will make them look. So the Organic Marketing Association is flipping the script. Instead of continuing the 5% narrative, we speak to and pursue the 95%.

We’re bringing Organic to the fun side with happy images, fun headlines, and a strong sense of humor. We’ll focus on making positive associations with the word Organic and the things that make people happy. It’s a simple formula that works.

Why We’re Doing This


We’re a group of successful business people who all grew tired of looking at the glass ceiling hanging above the Organic industry’s head and decided it was time to break through by breaking free of the old marketing paradigms to try something that works better with mainstream consumers—fun.


Our Team of Specialists


Michael Buley


He smokes Organic cigarettes. He drinks Organic coffee. He writes, he creates ...Organically. Motto: Life is beautiful. Let's LAUGH and have FUN.


Dr. Herb Joiner-Bey, ND


‘The Good Doctor’ wrote THE CLINICIAN’S HANDBOOK of Natural Medicine. He’s the word. Period. Exclamation Point.


Matt Mclean


The Biggest & Best Organic Orange Juice Maker in America. He puts the Organic into juice like nobody else’s business.


John Porterfield


The Official Soil Fixer, Organic Hemp Hero, Pillow Maker. Equally at home in a Boardroom or a Bar with friends.


Pastor Gary L. Wyatt


AKA ‘The Rev,’ Man of God, Spiritual Soul of Organic. Song writer nonpareil.


Kara Greer


The fact finder.


Ellen Kanner


The Actual Leader of the Vegan Pack. The Force for Plant-Based Living. Author, Columnist, Speaker, Chef. Need a Press Release? Get it here.


Gage Mitchell


Baddest Brand Builder for Those Doing Good in The World.


Katherine Pryor


What’s your story? She’ll tell it like no one else. Author and Advocate for Organic Living. A Walking, Talking, Writing Celebration of Life.


Michelle Zerbib-Kelly, MSN


She knows it inside and out ...and how it all works. Need a Nutritional Profile for your Organic Good Food or Drink? Get it here!


Natasha Huestis


Ain’t your typical Bean Counter ...The Dynamo of Details ...and she is OURS! The Master of Numbers And Things The Rest of Us Don’t Want to Deal With.


Zeke Khali


Hueman Dynamo, The Organic Exuberant Electrician of Energy, The Fitness Phenom for OMA. What kind of shape do YOU want to be in? Mr. Enthusiasm for The Right Food to Make Your Brain & Body Beautiful. Elevate, baby!


Nina Morgan-Jones


She IS The Sizzle in the Organic Steak, The Fire in Organic Fashion. Styles so hot, you might just ignite.


Dennis Weaver


Immovable Wall, Irresistible Force for FUN with Organic. Walking Encyclopedia of All Things Organic. Hang on for The Ride!

Put your money to work.

All membership dues and marketing fees go toward raising the appeal of Organic to mainstream consumers. That means that when you join OMA, not only will you get the direct benefits or services provided at your investment level, OMA reinvests directly into new campaigns, paid advertising, events, music, and other entertaining methods designed to drive the growth of Organic past 5% market share. It’s time we talk to the 95%.